You might be unsure about how well your website or marketing is working. Or, you might need direction on some marketing that you are thinking of doing for your business. Or, you might be overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to be done and you’re not sure where to start.

Regardless of what you want to do, you feel a bit stuck.

As business owners, we sometimes find ourselves in a state of confusion, without a clear direction on which steps to take next.

Sometimes this “lack of direction” is normal. It is part of running a business and making decisions.

But often times, this state leads to stagnation. It stops you from moving forward. And then, time passes and you find yourself asking: why am I in this business?

So, the best business people ask for help during these moments of indecision.

One or two conversations with the right person can give you back your clarity and set you back on the path toward reaching your next goal.

How can coaching help me?

If you have worked with a coach in the past, then you might know the transformative power of coaching. If you are new to coaching, then you are in for a ride.

During your coaching session we will:

  1. Review what is going on inside your business (and inside yourself) right now
  2. Catch the “thing” that is holding you back
  3. Review what you want to accomplish
  4. Define specific measurable action steps
  5. Hold you accountable to accomplish them

After each coaching session, you will leave with a sense of clarity knowing exactly what you need to do next. Above all, we’ll be in touch weekly to make sure that you get stuff done (aka GSD).

Who will be coaching me?

Your coach will be… (wait for it)… me, Artur 🙂

What makes me qualified to coach you?

Over the past 15+ years I’ve been helping business owners with design and marketing planning and execution. At the same time, I’ve been transforming my life on the personal side as well.

On the professional side I have…

  • Graduated with a Computer Science degree in Long Beach, California in 2002
  • Started several businesses (some failed, some succeeded)
  • Invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into my own businesses, both local and online
  • Successfully completed hundreds of design, development and marketing projects
  • Invested tens of thousands of dollars into my own education and learned from experts, Jim Rohn, Jeff Walker, Eben Pagan, Brendon Burchard, Tony Robbins, Robin Sharma and others.
  • Helped entrepreneurs with business design and marketing for over 15+ years.

On the personal side I have…

  • Lived in 4 countries
  • Learned to speak, write and read fluently in 3 and half languages (more about the ‘half language’ later)
  • Married (for almost a decade) and made 3 children (yes, it was fun making them :))

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